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The easy next step is to organise your session and together with Judythe talk about your needs.
End of Life Coach
1 hr

What is an End of Life Coach?


An End of Life Coach is not a new concept. Many cultures for thousands of years have supported the practice of people staying in their homes to die, looked after by family and community. However, in the modern Western world there has been a trend towards nursing homes and hospitalisation which can lead to isolation, lack of choice and opportunity for all concerned. Death, which is inevitable, often can become a lonely and somber ‘medicalised’ experience.

An End-of-Life Coach is a non-medical role that provides support, options and education assisting the dying and those around them have their end of life unfold in alignment with their wishes, to preserve the quality of life, well being and self-worth up to and beyond the end of life as we know it.  They are the “informed companion” bringing comfort, support, compassion, and assist a person and their family in feeling safe and supported during this important transition.

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